Liftoff with BLAST Series

Article Contributor: Paul Jackson, Ph.D

Friday, March 17, 2017 marked the inaugural Google Hangout conducted as a collaboration between the new state-of-the-art Col. John C. Robinson American Center at the National Archives and Library Agency (NALA) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the Pan African Technical Association (PATA), a community-based organization headquartered in Los Angeles, California and the Multimedia Resources and Training Institute (MMRTI), a technology-based nonprofit organization based in Seattle, Washington. Google Hangouts was chosen as an ideal collaboration platform due to its robust and flexible features of meeting face-to-face, virtually! Read more

STEAM, not just STEM Education

STEAM education - science, technology, engineering, arts and math

Infographic Courtesy of and E-Learning Infographics

Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are the center of attention in most US public schools today. The focus on STEM fields was initiated to increase global competitiveness and the project does have its merits. However, it has left the arts languishing far off in the periphery. This is quite unfortunate, as art education is known to improve academic performance. The STEAM, not just STEM Education Infographic presents interesting facts and stats pointing out the significance of arts education.

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Pan African Technical Association

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